As the fifth largest country in the world, Brazil has 2.83% of the entire world’s population and it is the largest economy in Latin America. There are several reasons why Brazil is an attractive state for investors. In this article, our company formation consultants in Brazil present a few of these reasons. Do…
Foreign entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their business presence by setting up a company in Brazil are confronted with different legal questions. In this article, our company formation consultants in Brazil answer a few of the most frequently asked questions. Investors who want to open a company in Brazil will not only need a business plan and…
When a foreign company chooses to set up a branch in Brazil, this is governed by the Brazilian legislation. The establishment of a branch in this country necessitates an authorization issued by ministerial ordinance, which is a complex procedure. As follows, our company formation advisors in Brazil cover a few aspects related to establishing a Brazilian branch.…
Foreign companies can set up a presence in the country by establishing a subsidiary in Brazil. Subsidiaries, which are Brazilian legal entities opened according to the domestic legislation, constitute a more straightforward option, rather than setting up a branch here. Even though there are different types of companies that can be set up according…
A mandatory requirement for opening a business in Brazil is to also open a bank account in Brazil for the newly created and registered legal entity. Our company formation consultants in Brazil assist clients who wish to open a bank account in Brazil, as well as those who have questions about bank accounts and banking…